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The benefits of douching for a woman are: to get rid of odours, rinse away blood after menstruating, prevent sexually transmitted disease or prevent pregnancy.

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Q: What are the benefits of douching to a woman?
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Related questions

Is douching healthy in pregnancy?

No. Douching is never healthy and should be avoided. The vagina is self cleaning and douching makes it easier to get infections.

Does douching cure chlamydia?

Douching does not cure chlamydia. On the contrary, douching can increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility due to chlamydia. Douching is not a healthful practice; you would be hard-pressed to find a female OBGYN who douches. Please seek treatment for chlamydia from your health care provider, and quit douching.

Can douching delay your period?

No, douching doesn't effect your period at all - when your period is due is determined by your menstrual cycles, nothing about douching could effect this. FYI douching is unhygenic and unsafe as it effects vaginal pH, strips vaginal tissues or moisture, and can force harmful bacteria further into the vagina - douching increases risks of vaginal infections, TSS, STD's and PID.

Can douching hurt your baby at the being of your pregnancy?

Probably not, but douching is a bad idea either way...wouldn't recommend it, pregnant or not.

What is the burning sensation during douching?

yes, the burning sensation during douching is quite normal in most females.

Is douching harmful for the baby?


What is an intimate wash?

like douching

What is the benefit of douching with alum?

There is no benefit to douching with alum. Douching in general is unhygienic and unhealthy as it can change vaginal pH so allow for harmful bacterial growth, it can force harmful bacteria further up into the vagina, and it can wash away discharge needed to protect the vaginal walls. Douching with alum is claimed to tighten the vagina, but the vagina cannot be tightened and nor should anyone want to as a tight vagina is a bad thing - a vagina will only be tight if a woman is tense or not fully aroused, thus sex wouldn't be as enjoyable and may cause pain or vaginal tissue damage.

Can douching kill sperm inside the body?

Douching, even with a spermicidal solution, will only eliminate sperm in the Vagina, it will not affect any that have already entered the Uterus. Generally, douching is a very tiresome way of getting pregnant and an ineffective means of contraception.

What benefits does a man get from stringing a woman along?

well you dont get any benefits from stringing a woman along most of the time they will get mad and start yelling at you

Can douches help odor and discharge?

Douches will help the odor, but you may not want to use them very often, because that could become harmful, discharge is something every woman has so douching will not get rid of it

Can douching block you tubes to prevent you from getting pregnant?

No. Douching however is bad for the vagina and can change the natural flora so you get infections easier. The vagina is self cleaning which is what the discharge is for.