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To get fit, and also it's a hobby- just like some people like cycling, or dancing, or drawing. Some people enjoy hiking. You also get amazing views from the top, and it's an exciting thing for anyone to do.

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12y ago
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13y ago

In essence, hiking is merely walking on a path, whether on trail that runs along the river or a more adventurous trail to a mountain edge. It is perhaps one of the best-rounded forms of physical activity. It allows you to preserve our body in good working condition by walking which is by far one of the best exercises available.

To hike comfortably, you need to raise your fitness level to the point where you can walk 6 to 8 kilometers on level ground without undue fatigue or strain. Train for the climbs by walking up and down hills or by walking up and down steps or by using an inclined treadmill in the gym. You also need to get used to carrying extra weight on your back (if you are going for multiple days hike).

You will need some strong hiking shoes or hiking sandals and a comfortable backpack to ensure you can carry essentials such as water, sunscreen and energy bars.

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Pawan Sohi

Lvl 2
3y ago

Things people can experience on their best hike in California are the most unique ones. There are several researches that suggest that hiking can deliver the benefits beyond the ones you attain from the typical exercises. Hiking oxygenate human heart in a way that it helps in keeping the mind sharper with a calm body and enliven creativity. With all such traits in your personality you are going to thrive in life exceptionally.

Hiking in the nature can be one of the powerful experiences of anyone’s life because it is going to directly impact on their health as well as well-being. There are even some doctors who prefer to prescribe hiking as the adjunct to few treatments for some diseases. It is one of those exercises, that is different from other exercises forms because of having trails as its part. This means hiking needs navigation in the world that is unpredictable totally.

One you are on your way to hike through the best motorbike roads, you yourself realize that being in nature is how calming. Moreover, there are studies that states the people who spend most of their times in hiking tend to be less anxious as well as suffer lesser amount of rumination. All of this is enough to protect you from going into depression.

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15y ago

It is a good exersise

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What benefits do you get for hiking?

Hiking can be a great way to escape the monotony of the gym and get a heart-pumping workout. There are many benefits of hiking. The most common benefits include weight loss, decrease in blood pressure and increase of physical fitness. It is also cheap and gets you out in the great outdoors. You should always be well prepared, by making sure you know your route, you have plenty of water, a hat and sunscreen (in a hot climate) and that you wear comfortable shoes and socks to prevent your feet from blistering. If you are in a hot climate, you may consider hiking sandals which provide protection and comfort but won't make you too hot.

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Hiking benefits your body because it's an aerobic exercise, so it is good for your heart. Hiking also helps prevent osteoporosis because you are outdoors under the sun. It can help you lose or manage your weight. Hiking is not only good for your body, it is great for your mind by helping you relax and enjoy the nature.

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"Hiking" in German is "Wandern".

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My Opinion: Who likes price hiking? Haha. i think price hiking is just obliviouse.

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Parks are an example of the public good, since they are a resource that is available to the general public. Hiking is something that people can do in parks. But hiking is not a public good, it is something that individuals do for their own recreation. Hiking is not generally intended to help anyone other than the hiker. If you went hiking and also collected litter while hiking, for proper disposal after you finished hiking, that would be a way of using your hiking for the public good. Of course, a well managed park or hiking trail should have no litter anyway. But sometimes there is.

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What is true about hiking?

Hiking will get you a very good workout for your legs when going uphill it doubles the amount of just hiking on flat ground.