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Rockets are typically useful as a propulsion system where there may be an issue with finding an Oxidizer to burn fuel. If you are in a place, such as in space or under water, a rocket can be used for propulsion. Rockets can have problems simply because they carry their own oxidizer with them. First of all weight. If you didn't have to carry the oxidizer, your cargo capacity could be significantly increased. Secondly, they are very complex, depending on the type of rocket. Third, they can explode, because of their complexity and because of the fact they carry their oxidizer with them. If there was no oxidizer next to the fuel and they don't mix (which is what you want for a rocket)...then no explosion. Rockets have often been called bombs with a controlled explosion on one end. Some rockets can be relatively solid rockets. They can be compact and can pack a powerful punch of thrust. This typically can be good for weapon systems..where fast speed and power are needed.

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Q: What are the benefits on rockets And what problems have rockets caused?
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