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Treating chronic conditions such as sinus infections can be very costly. Fortunately, there are many home remedies that people can try. One of the cheapest and easiest ways to help with your sinuses is to sniff a chopped onion! The potent smell of the onion will cause you to tear up and your nose to run, in turn causing the mucus to loosen. Just simply blow your nose once it starts running.Another treatment is to use a neti pot with either a store bought nasal solution or a solution of salt and water. The neti pot is inserted in one nostril and drains out the other. This method is also very effective in the prevention of sinus infections.

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Q: What are the best home remedies for sinus infections?
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What home remedies are available for sinus infections?

Antibiotics are the best way to go, but I have heard of some people taking Advil/Tylenol which works for some people, but no home remedies that work well.

What are some remedies of a chronic sinus infection?

One of the best home remedies for a sinus infection includes lots of rest and liquids. Staying hydrated is the key to getting better. Also, apple cider vinegar, some water and honey boiled and drank as a tea.

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The best solution to find out about problems with your sinus is to talk to your doctor. They can give you a more personalized diagnosis, and are more qualified to give advice than a search page on the internet.

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Heartburn home remedies can be found on Best Health Mag, WebMD, Healthy Living, One Good Thing, DIY Natural, Mayo Clinic, Homemade Medicine and Home Remedies.

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What is orange mucus from nasal passage?

The best answer I've found on the same question is either a sinus infection or stagnation. The longer the mucus stays in your sinus cavities, the darker it can become. If it's accompanied by facial pain or headache, it's probably an infection needing attention (usually antibiotics although you can also try home remedies). If not, a netti pot or saline with lots of nose blowing is worth a try. The best answer I've found on the same question is either a sinus infection or stagnation. The longer the mucus stays in your sinus cavities, the darker it can become. If it's accompanied by facial pain or headache, it's probably an infection needing attention (usually antibiotics although you can also try home remedies). If not, a netti pot or saline with lots of nose blowing is worth a try.