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"In fact, the thing Lorraine and I liked best about the Pigman was that he didn't go around saying we were cards or jazzy or cool or hip. He said we were delightful . . ." (p. 16) In this quote, John explains why he likes the Pigman. John like him because the old man doesn't nag him like the other adults he knows like his parents. He just genuinely liked them and thought they were good kids. He also didn't try to be "cool" or anything and John liked that. "In fact, the thing Lorraineand I liked best about the Pigman was that he didn't go around saying we were cards or jazzy or cool or hip. He said we were delightful . . ." (p. 16) In this quote, John explains why he likes the Pigman. John like him because the old man doesn't nag him like the other adults he knows like his parents. He just genuinely liked them and thought they were good kids. He also didn't try to be "cool" or anything and John liked that.

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  1. "And all at once, I saw myself through Lorraine's eyes, an ugly, fat, stupid, mature, repulsive old man. I think that moment I aged ten years."
  2. "We're all terribly wrapped up in ourselves. That's the nature of the human animal."
  3. "This is where we found out that life goes funny and that the worst things in the world are the funniest things in the world."
  4. "It's amazing how many things you can do without in a house. You can take almost everything away and the house is still there, but you take a person out and everything goes."
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