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The best type of shoes to wear when you are jogging is tennis shoes. Tennis shoes have cushions under your feet so your feet doesn't get pressure, which is a good thing.

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Q: What are the best type of shoes to wear when you are jogging?
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The same type of shoes you wear. Jeez.

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For jogging, I would wear tights or leggings made out of cotton or spandex. Be sure to take weather into account when you pick the thickness of your fabric.

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What type shoes we have to wear while dancing?

Irish Dance shoes, Tap shoes

Do you have to wear shoes in post office?

yes because they tell you pacific type of shoes you wear with your uniform

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Tennis shoes.

What type of sneaker should be worn while playing racquetball?

Court shoes are the best type of shoes to wear while playing racquetball. If those are not available any other type of sneaker will work but not as well.

What shoe is best for people with feet problems?

see a doctor and ask him/her if there is a certain type of insoles/shoes you can wear