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All States require physical therapists to pass a licensure exam before they can practice, after graduating from an accredited physical therapist educational program.

According to the American Physical Therapy Association, there were 205 accredited physical therapist programs in 2004. Of the accredited programs, 94 offered master's degrees, and 111 offered doctoral degrees. All physical therapist programs seeking accreditation are required to offer degrees at the master's degree level and above, in accordance with the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education.

Physical therapist programs start with basic science courses such as Biology, chemistry, and physics and then introduce specialized courses, including biomechanics, neuroanatomy, human growth and development, manifestations of disease, examination techniques, and therapeutic procedures. Besides getting classroom and laboratory instruction, students receive supervised clinical experience. Among the courses that are useful when one applies to a physical therapist educational program are anatomy, biology, chemistry, social science, mathematics, and physics. Before granting admission, many professional education programs require experience as a volunteer in a physical therapy department of a hospital or clinic. For high school students, volunteering with the school athletic trainer is a good way to gain experience.

Physical therapists should have strong interpersonal skills in order to be able to educate patients about their physical therapy treatments. Physical therapists also should be compassionate and possess a desire to help patients. Similar traits are needed to interact with the patient's family.

Physical therapists are expected to continue their professional development by participating in continuing education courses and workshops. In fact, a number of States require continuing education as a condition of maintaining licensure.

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It really depends on what grad school you go to. Might want to talk to a counselor at that school and see what is needed.

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where can i get physical therapy classes?

You can get physical therapy classes at a local practice. You can also get them at hospitals. Some doctors offices will offer Physical Therapy, but not most.

What universities in Oregon offer training on how to become a physical therapist?

There are many universities in Oregon that have classes for people wanting to become physical therapists. The most well known college offering these classes is School of Physical Therapy at Pacific University.

Does physical therapy school take place in a hospital?

Yes, you can partake in certain hospital programs for physical therapy. However, you can also take classes through a college or university. You really just have to find what's best for you.

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Typically, it is "college algebra."

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MGH Institute of Health Professions has Physical Therapy classes Charlestown Navy Yard, 36 1st Avenue, Boston, MA - (617) 726-8009

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Most colleges and Universities offer physical therapy training. You can check with the nearest college to see if they offer physical therapy courses.

What do I need to do before entering a physical therapy school?

There are no physical therapy schools, but there are schools that offer programs in physical therapy. You will need your standard core classes such as math, English, and history, but you will also need to have a lot of science courses such as biology, anatomy, and physiology.

Where can I go to physical therapy school?

Selecting the proper school will also be instrumental in helping you prepare for and pass the physical therapy national licensing examination, required in almost all states. Student loans and financial aid are available for physical therapy school students.

What type of classes would I need to take to prepare me for a field in physical therapy?

There are two-year, four-year and PhD programs in physical therapy. Different institutions offer different programs, with the higher level degrees being highly competitive because there aren't that many of them. A PT Aide is a 2-year Associate's Degree, which is offered at a community college. Higher degrees are offered by a university the an Allied Health School. You'll find a list here: AND

How do you get info to be a Physical Therapist College?

Just apply, there are really no pre requirements for kinesiology or physical therapy, you learn all of that at the college you choose.

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Many therapy schools offer weekend classes. Borrough of Manhattan Community College is a good example of a school that offers weekend classes.

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Too often we take our health for granted. For those who have been ill or suffered injury, the road to recovery can be difficult. Those who assist with the physical therapy process make recovery possible. The need for physical therapists will continue to rise as the number of individuals with disabilities or limited function spurs demand for therapy services. If you see yourself in a career as a physical therapist, the right training could speed you on your way.