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Abiotic: Ayers Rock itself, sand/dust, hot temperature, low moisture levels Biotic: Shrubs and grasses, bilbies, ants

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Q: What are the biotic and abiotic factors of Ayers rock?
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Is a desert abiotic or biotic?

A desert is a mixture of both biotic and abiotic factors. Soil, sand, rock, water, air and light are abiotic while plants and animals are biotic.

Are volcanic eruptions biotic or abiotic factors?

It is abiotic

Is a rock abiotic or biotic?

A rock is abiotic. It is not alive

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they are abiotic as they are not living things and it is also made up of rock,and rock is also not a living thing.

What are abiotic and biotic factors in an ecosystem?

biotic factors are things done by living oraganisms and abiotic factors are chemical and physical factors like climate and soil. YOU'RE VERY WELCOME! :)

Is rock biotic or a biotic?


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Abiotic means without life. In any habitat that means rock, water, air, sand, etc. Biotic means life so anything that is alive belongs in this category. Remember that Biology means the study of life.

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It is abiotic because it does not have any cells & biotic factors do.

Is a rock an abiotic or biotic factor?


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The term biotic means living or having lived. Examples of biotic factors would include a frog, a leaf, a dead tree, or a piece of wood. The term abiotic means non-living, or never having lived. Examples of abiotic factors would include gold, rock, bicycle, brick, and cement.

How are biotic factors different from abiotic factors in a environment?

An abiotic factor is the nonliving part of an organism's habitat. Some examples are: Water, Sunlight, Oxygen, Temperature, and Soil. A Biotic factor is the living part of an organism's habitat. Some of these examples are: Animals, Plants, and Bacteria.

What are the biotic and abiotic features in the Sonoran Desert?

Biotic Factors;joshua trees,cacti,rattle snake,red tailed hawk Abiotic Factors; rock sand, and mounatins