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Q: What are the body parts of a gazelle?
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What parts of the body does the Gazelle Edge work out?

"The Gazelle Edge is a machine that can work out your entire body. That includes your arms, legs, quads, glutes, triceps, biceps, pecs, and more. You can also work your core and build up your muscle."

What kind of body covering does gazelle have?

Short fur covers the body af a gazelle.

What is a gazelle habitat?

Gazelles live in many parts of Africa

Which part of your body helps Gazelle Freestyle to train?

The part of your body that gets helped the most when training with Gazelle Freestyle is all. It helps all areas of the body including upper and lower and target areas.

What part of the gazelle body helps them get food?

the tan fur

What is a gazelle in skateboarding?

Gazelle is a 540 shuvit with a 360 body varial(going the same way where the board spins). Rodney mullen invented it.

What muscles does the gazelle exercise machine work?

The gazelle exercise machine works the entire body, such as the glutes, thighs, calves, biceps, triceps, abdominal muscles, deltoids, and pretty much anything else in your body.

Where is the gazelle from?

A gazelle is a type of antelope that is found in parts of Africa and Asia. There are different gazelle species, including Thomson's and Grant's gazelle. Gazelles are known for their speed that can be as high as 60 mph (running speed).

What types of antelope has six letters?

An alternate spelling for antelope is anteloupe.

What types of gazelles live in the savanna?

types of gazelles:dorcas gazelle, moutain gazelle, dama gazelle, morrocan gazelle, Saudi Arabian gazelle, pelzeln gazelle....

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What is gazelle's food called?

Gazelle food