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For a spider: Large frontal exoskeleton, large rectal exoskeleton, eight legs, and then their pincers at the front.

Scorpions are similar, but they have a stronger exoskeleton and a tail leading on from the rectal exoskeleton. Their tail is split into roughly 10 segments, but it varies between species.

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They only have one or two body regions.

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Q: What are the body segments of a arachnid?
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How many segments do spiders have?

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What makes an arachnid an arachnid?

Arachnids generally share the following traits: eight legs, two body segments, no antenna or wings, have a chelicerae and pedipaips. There are a few species of mites that have all of the above except for eight legs.

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-Always have 8 legs -2 to 8 eyes -Can bite, and some are venomous -2 body segments Hope this helps! -Jay

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