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That they'll die without a leader obviously. DUH!

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Q: What are the boys worried about now that their stranded lord of the flies?
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In Lord of the Flies where are the boys fleeing from?

they aren't fleeing... their plane was shot down over an island and they were stranded.

What Is The Outcome Of The Vote in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the outcome of the vote is a decision to elect Ralph as the leader of the group of boys stranded on the island. This vote represents the initial attempt to establish order and organization among the boys as they struggle to survive.

What is the book where a bunch of boys are shipwrecked on an island?

The book you are referring to is likely "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. In the novel, a group of boys get stranded on a deserted island and attempt to govern themselves, but their society quickly deteriorates into chaos and violence.

Children alone go savage on island What is name of book?

The name of the book is "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. It tells the story of a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their descent into savagery.

Who is Wilfred and what is going on with him lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Wilfred is one of the boys stranded on the island. He is mentioned briefly in the story, as being one of the boys tortured by Jack and his tribe. Wilfred represents the theme of violence and savagery that emerges among the boys as they regress into savagery without adult supervision.

What is the main reason Ralph is worried about the boys not coming back to the meeting in lord of the flies?

Jack has shouted, "Bollocks to the Rules"

Who is aunt owns a candy store in lord of the flies?

There is no character in "Lord of the Flies" who is an aunt that owns a candy store. The novel mainly focuses on a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their struggle to survive and maintain order.

What is Ralph's rank in Lord of the Flies film?

Ralph is the protagonist in "Lord of the Flies," and he is the elected chief of the boys stranded on the island. He represents order, civilization, and democracy in the face of the chaos and savagery that unfolds among the boys.

Is there a sequel to Lord of the Flies?

No, "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding does not have an official sequel. The story itself is self-contained, exploring themes of human nature, civilization, and power dynamics within a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island.

What country where the boys from in The Lord of the Flies?

The boys in "Lord of the Flies" are British. They are schoolboys who get stranded on a deserted island during a wartime evacuation.

Where are the character of Jack and Ralph?

Jack and Ralph are two of the main characters in the book 'Lord of the Flies.' A story about English boarding school boys that get stranded on an island.

Who wrote lord of the flies briefly describe?

William Golding wrote "Lord of the Flies," a novel about a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their descent into savagery. The book explores themes of power, civilization, and human nature.