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Q: What are the brain chemicals responsible for feelings and responses to sensations?
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What part of the brain is responsible for your complex thoughts feelings and emotion?

The Amygdala is the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions. It performs a big role in processing emotional reactions, according to Wikipedia.

What area of brain controls emotion?

It is your right part of your brain.The right part of the brain controls speech and emotions.Left controls movement and the necessery thinking. The limbic system controls human emotion. It includes the hippocampus, amygdala, anterior thalamic nuclei, and limbic cortex and forms the inner border of the cortex. The frontal cortex The limbic system is generally understood to be the main area of the brain responsible for emotions - but there is some controversy in the neuropsychology field as to whether emotions really can be ascribed to any one specific area.

Can a panic attack lead to a heart attack?

No, it can't. Although panic attack symptoms (sweating, chest pains, dizziness, rapid heart beat, choking, shaking...) are very frightening, all these feelings, thoughts and sensations you experience are products of the anxious nerve signals your brain produces, not the signs of illness.. not physical illness, not mental illness and they can not lead to heart attack!Symptoms of panic attacks are unpleasant to say the least BUT they are completely normaland harmless (no matter how inappropriate this sounds).

How do you meditate a tumor away?

While it is true that healing energy is created by meditators with much experience, it is dangerous to think that you can "meditate a tumor away." My suggestion is you seek traditional or alternative health care. In the mean time, you can begin to meditate. Choose a technique that feels right, and begin to notice your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. If you would like to bring healing energy into your treatment plan, why not find a healer local to you (perhaps start with a Reiki master). This is an expert who can get you started...

What is Female organ system?

As a matter of fact,30 years later, the female orgasm remains mysterious to a lot of people - both men and women. The female orgasm is a series of pleasurable physical sensations and feelings which occurs following, and represents the peak in, sexual stimulation. Orgasm in females is a complex multidimensional phenomenon involving both physical and emotional components,(e.g."spastic vaginal contractions occurring at highest tension level") primarily emphasise the physical aspects of orgasm, subjective perception of the most intense point in a series of increasingly pleasurable sensations elicited by sexual stimulation) primarily emphasise psychological aspects. Integrating both physical and emotional dimensions of orgasm (e.g. "sudden, intense sensation just prior to genitopelvic contractions") better represent the true nature of the female orgasm.

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The feelings or sensations a work of art produces are called?

The feelings or sensations a work of art produces are called emotions or aesthetic experiences. These can range from joy, sadness, or tranquility to admiration, awe, or inspiration. Art has the power to evoke a wide range of emotional responses in its audience.

Introspection involves reporting our thoughts feelings and what?

Sensations! :D

What are the basic units of experience and their combinations were the foundations of?

The basic units of experience are sensations, feelings, and thoughts. These combinations form the foundations of complex mental processes, including perceptions, emotions, and cognition, influencing our understanding of the world and our responses to it.

Is feelies offer tactile sensations as well as visual and auditory images?

yes mostly feelings/sensations of the sexual nature

What explains what it means for a word to contain a feeling?

Words containing feelings often evoke emotions or sensations in the reader or listener. This can be achieved through the choice of specific words, their connotations, or the context in which they are used. Overall, the ability of words to contain feelings lies in their power to convey and elicit emotional responses from individuals.

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What term do psychologists use to designate your personal awareness of feelings sensations and thoughts?


What does it mean when you feel sensations?

Feeling sensations means that your body is receiving and processing information from your environment. Sensations can include touch, temperature, pain, pressure, and other physical feelings that help you interact with the world around you.


the process of observing an object and recording the thoughts, sensations, and feelings. A key tool of structuralism.

What is scope and limitation of consciousness?

The limitation is within your self, your awareness and limitation of thoughts, your memories, sensations and feelings.

Why is stress considered both physiological and psychological or cognitive?

Stress involves both physiological responses in the body (such as increased heart rate and release of stress hormones) and psychological or cognitive responses (such as feelings of worry, anxiety, or tension). These two aspects interact and influence each other, leading to the overall experience of stress that includes both physical and mental components.

Do good spirits give off warm or cold sensations and feelings?

Spirits don't exist (if you mean, like, ghosts), so there can't be any "good spirits" or "bad spirits" giving off warm or cold sensations and feelings...