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Q: What are the building blocks of glucose?
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alpha glucose molecules

Is glucose starch?

Glucose is a sugar. It is not a starch. There are certain similarities but they are not the same thing. Glucose is one of the building blocks of starches.

What are the building blocks of a carbohydrates?

it is all suger

What are the building blocks of simple sugars?

Simple sugars are themselves building blocks of either complex sugars or carbohydrates. Glycol aldehyde is an example of a pre biotic simple sugar.

What does glucose molecules are the building blocks of carbohydrates mean?

It means carbohydrates are primarily made up of glucose molecules.

Is gluecose a lipid?

No, glucose is not a lipid. Glucose is actually one of the building blocks of lipids, that is to say that glucose is one of the components from which lipids are made.

What are the building blocks of starch?

The building block of Starch {and Cellulose in an alternate configuration} is the simple sugar known as Glucose.

What is meant by saying glucose molecules are the building blocks of carbohydrates?

The complex carbohydrates (cellulose, starch, and glycogen) are polysaccharides composed of chemically bonded glucose molecules.

What is the basic building block of cellulose?

The CSSB building blocks are functional area support companies such as transportation truck companies, POL supply companies, supply and service companies, and so forth.

What is the building block from which plants build sugar?

6H2O + 6CO2 + sunlight → C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2 So the building blocks would be water and carbon dioxide

What are the building blocks of carbohydrates and poly-carbohydrates?

The chemical composition of Carbohydrates is described by their chemical names: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen [the suffix -ate signifies oxygen], in varying 'proportions' (depending upon the type of sugar). The building blocks of poly-carbohydrates occur in two Forms: taking Glucose for an example - poly-Glucose in Plants is called Cellulose, while poly-Glucose in Animals is known as Glycogen.

How old was brann in building blocks?

He was 12 building blocks old, or 35 in dog-building blocks