

What are the cactus plants used for?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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A cactus can be used for many things. Firstly it can be used for decoration, be it inside, on a window ledge, or outside in a garden. A cactus has a natural exceptional ability to store a lot of water and this also makes it useful for doing just that.

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Q: What are the cactus plants used for?
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How do animals use cactus plants?

Garden tools are used to move cactus plants, because of their ferociously intimidating modified leaves. Gloves are used to handle cactus plants carefully. Moisture meters are used to gauge the amount of soil moisture. Protective eyewear such as sunglasses, and protective clothing are used to check the cactus over. Systemic fungicides are used now instead of copper sulfate to break the cycle of cactus decline from fungal attacks.


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Cactus plants use their stems for storage. So that's where starches are stored. In fact, stems are where a cactus plant stores everything. Other, non cactus plants may use their roots for storage. But cactus roots are much too fibrous and shallow.

Is a cactus a vertebrate invertebrate or is it not an animal?

Plant, although both terms "plant" and "flower" are arbitrary labels and are used interchangeably.

What does a cactus in the desert compete for?

A cactus competes with other plants for water.

What desert animal commonly nests in cactus plants?

The cactus wren

How is temperature a limiting factor for cactus plants?

Temperature is a limiting factor for cactus plants, in terms of extremes of heat and cold. For example, desert cactus plants are used to a hot, dry climate. But temperatures may be so high that the available water evaporates.It particularly is the other extreme, of chilling temperatures, that may be fatal for a cactus. Cold may leave a cactus with a range of problems from stem tip damage to actual stem collapse. Cactus plants that are exposed to excess cold or dampness are prone to rot, which softens and blackens tissue.

What kind of plants live in the desert?

The most popular plant living in the desert is cactus. There are different kinds of cactus, for example barrel cactus. There are other plants like grasses, shrubs, trees, and wildflowers.

Are cactus plants used for making buildings?

Yes, cactus plants are used for making buildings. For example, the giant saguaro cactus [Carnegiea gigantea] has a lot of body parts to offer from its mature height of 40 feet/12 meters. Indeed, the cactus is the source for the renowned roof of the historic Catholic Mission San Xavier del Bac of the Santa Cruz valley near Tucson, Arizona.

Which cactus plants are used for medicinal purposes?

One cactus that has medicinal value is the peyote cactus [Lophophora williamsii]. It has been used to treat asthma and rheumatism. Another is the night flowering queen of the night [Selenicereus grandiflorus]. Its blooms are used in medicinal preparations that improve blood circulation.

Can cactus plants grow in dirt?

Yes, desert cactus plants can grow in dirt. But no, jungle cactus plants aren't used to growing out of the ground. They grow with their roots exposed to the air. In the jungle, the problem is the reverse of the desert. It's a situation of high moisture levels and low light. So jungle cactus plants root high up on tree trunks and branches to get closer to the filtered sunlight of the thick, dense, dark tropical forests.