

What are the causes of a gum infection?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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Gum infections are caused by bacteria that lead to plaque build up. Even people who care for their teeth can get infections for many reasons including smoking, genetics, low saliva production, certain diseases and medication side effects.

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Q: What are the causes of a gum infection?
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Dark spots at the gum line?

Hi I think its infection whether it causes you pain or not you must go to your dentist.

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when the infection is deep in and not on the surface

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the description given, are the most common signs for a gum infection, you should contact your dentist if it is very painful, to get the inflammation treated.

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Why when you smile on your left the gum hurts?

Unknown: but a possible guess is a canker sore, or a dental/gum infection.

Had a root canal where the prognosis was guarded due to crack in tooth. More than a year later the gum on the outside above tooth is swollen what are the possible causes?

Abcess, where bacteria has set up an infection at the end of the tooth's root.Might be a gum infection.Either way, get to a dentist. Any infection should be treated, especially one in the head region.

What is periodontal gum disease?

Infection of the gums around the teeth.

Can you smoke marijuana if you have a gum infection?

No it will make your infection worse, and besides it is illegal you know, or (at least I hope)

Can you use apo-metronidazole for gums infection?

A gum specialist did some surgery on my gum and he priscribed apo-metronidazole