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bullying name calling or just teasing may cause to a fight or something even worse

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1mo ago

Some potential causes of violence in children include exposure to violence in their environment, lack of positive role models, untreated mental health issues, and lack of proper parental guidance and supervision. It is important to address these underlying factors in order to prevent and intervene in violent behavior in children.

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Q: What are the causes of kid violence?
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How does violence start?

Violence can start due to a variety of complex factors such as unresolved conflicts, power struggles, inequality, or a lack of effective communication. It can also be influenced by individual beliefs, past experiences, and societal norms. Preventing violence often involves addressing these root causes and promoting nonviolent ways to resolve conflicts.

Causes of domestic violence in families?

Domestic violence in families can be caused by a variety of factors such as intergenerational transmission of violence, power dynamics, unresolved conflict, substance abuse, stress, and societal norms that condone or normalize violence. It is a complex issue that often stems from a combination of individual, relationship, community, and societal-level factors.

Is gang violence a social problem?

Yes, gang violence is a social problem in many communities. It is associated with higher rates of crime, fear, and instability, leading to negative impacts on individuals, families, and neighborhoods. Addressing the root causes of gang violence, such as poverty and lack of opportunities, is essential to reducing its prevalence.

What kills more people guns or violence?

Violence, as gun deaths are a subcategory of violence.

How many people have died from unnatural causes?

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 4.9 million people die each year from unnatural causes such as accidents, violence, and self-harm. These deaths are preventable through public health interventions and safety measures.

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How does violence?

Violence starts when a kid becomes a geek and goes outside! TEEHEE!

What are causes of violence?

Because when the mom and dad made the molestor, gangster, murderer, or so forth, they must have done somthing really wrong to make that kid really a sick man or woman.

Causes of domestic violence in Africa.?

Most causes of domestic violence are misunderstanding. Inability of the couple to understand the point of view of the other. Violence can arise from dishonesty, especially when people feel they are cheated.

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Two causes of violence against women are; 1. Influencing men to be violent toward the woman, and 2. Positioning women toward being victimized with violence.

Why is the Karate Kid pg?

The level of violence changed the rating from G to PG.

Are employee strikes positive?

No, because it causes violence to people

What is the violence in the movie Orphan?

The Orphan like kills the kid, that's what I saw on the commercial.???

Are video games the thing that causes violence?

Not always. Video games only sometimes cause violence but it happens rarely. Violence is often cased by oter things

What causes the growth of violence with Muslim traditionlist movements?

Crazy Arabs

Why is violence affecting the world?

It causes wars, and a lot of catastrophic things.