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It helps the environment. For e.g we could recycle paper into a paper bag and many other things can be recycled so atop using plastic bags.

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Q: What are the causes of recycling?
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Why is there limitations to recycling?

because sex causes pollution

How does not recycling affect hummans?

it causes litter and otherstuff

What are two drawbacks of recycling copper?

Two drawbacks of recycling copper are that it causes secondary pollution and it is harder to purify in the event of other metals getting into it.

What were the causes and effects of rationing and recycling during World War 2?

While there were many causes and effects of rationing and recycling during WW II, I can summarize them succinctly; the cause was scarcity, and the effect was that more people were able to survive the war.

What are the causes of waste paper?

Causes of waste paper include excessive printing, improper disposal of used paper, lack of recycling infrastructure, and a high demand for paper products. Additionally, inefficient paper consumption habits and limited awareness about paper recycling can contribute to the generation of waste paper.

What is home recycling?

home recycling is recycling

What causes air pollution to decrease?

We cannot decrease air pollution, but there are many ways of decreasing the level that it is rising in, for example, recycling.

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Where can recycling be done?

where can recycling be done?recycling can be done anywhere in australia weather you go to the recycling store and recycle bottleor can.

How do you prevent recycling?

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What are concerns about recycling?

what concerns are there about recycling?

What recycling is suituble for recycling? go to this website for extensive information on exactly what, where and how things can be recycled. Cell Phone Recycling is one of the major recycling nowadays.