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Herpes Simplex is a very contagious virus. While having contact with an infected person during an outbreak is the fast track to contracting the pathogen, it is nearly as possible to become infected even if the infected person does not have sores. It is important to know that herpes outbreaks my be asymptomatic, that is no sores may be in evidence.

Awareness is your best defense.

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Q: What are the chances of contracting herpes by kissing?
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Herpes can be on your cheek.

Is it true kissing is healtly?

No, not really. You can catch cold sores ( herpes), get a cold or the flu from someone who is all ready sick, and recently I learned that dental cavities can be spread through kissing but on the positive side the chances of you having cavity lessens

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Who would be a risk of herpes?

Someone who is having unprotected sex would be at risk for contracting herpes. Oral herpes can also be transmitted by contact with the infected area.

Can you get genital warts if Ive never had any sexual contact except kissing?

No, another persons mouth or genitals must touch yours to get genital warts. Genital warts usually come from herpes or HPV. you can get herpes in the mouth from kissing though, especially if the person you are kissing has herpes in the mouth.

If herpes is not present can you still get it from kissing?

If one person does not have herpes, it is highly unlikely for them to contract it by kissing someone with herpes. However, there is still a small risk of transmission if there are active herpes lesions or sores present on the person with herpes. It is always advisable to practice safe kissing and maintain good oral hygiene.

How do you know if he loves the kissing?

Chances are he wouldn't be kissing if he didn't love it.

Can you get lip cancer from kissing your boyfriend if he chews tobacco?

..and you can get herpes.

Can you have herpes type 1 an give it to your baby just by kissing her?

Yes, the common cold sore is a form of herpes.

Does having an STD increase the risk of contracting HIV?

Yes; having a STD absolutely does increase your chances of contracting HIV.

Is a cold sore a form of hepatitis?

The herpes virus causes cold sores to appear.