

What are the chances of getting yaws?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What are the chances of getting yaws?
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What is the bacteria that can cause yaws?

The bacteria that can cause yaws is called Treponema pallidum. Yaws is a disease that mostly affects young children in warm, tropical climates such as those in Africa and Southeast Asia.

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How is the organism transmitted to other victims?

like when you have a cut are something then yaws gets in your cut and then it gets infected and then you have yaws . . . .

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How many people are inffected by yaws?

It is estimated that around 64,000 people are infected with yaws worldwide, primarily in tropical and subtropical regions in Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Yaws is a bacterial infection that affects mainly children in low-income areas with poor sanitation and limited access to healthcare.

What is the prognosis for a patient with yaws?

Without treatment, yaws is a terribly disfiguring chronic illness. With appropriate treatment, the progression of the disease can be completely halted.

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One in six chances of getting a six

How does yaws attack and spread?

by mouth and smooching

Is yaws disease present in animals?


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The chances of getting a male riolu in the egg are much greater than those of getting a female. Your chances of getting a female are about 12.5%. You have to be patient and keep trying.

What is the most effective weapon against yaws?
