

What are the chances of you sperm count bein low?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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General statistics show 1 in 6 couples have trouble conceiving. From this number, in about 30% the problem is on the man's side (sperm quality), 30% the women's, and 30% a combination of factors.

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Q: What are the chances of you sperm count bein low?
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Can you still get pregnant if the man has a low sperm count?

You can, even though the chances are reduced.

What if your husbands sperm count is low can having intercourse during ovulation days help you to get pregnant?

obviously even a single sperm if capable n healthy can fertilise the ovum.having low sperm count may decrese chances of pregnancy(if count is very low) but does not exclude it.Dr.Mudit Jain

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If the man truly has a zero sperm count then the chance of the man impregnating someone is zero. However men with low sperm count can impregnate women and men with high sperm count may be unable to.

What is the sperm count for healthy semen If I have a low sperm count am I infertile?

Normal sperm count is typically between 20 to 150 million sperm per milliliter of semen. In addition, at least 60 percent of the sperm should have normal motility and shape. However, these values can slightly vary depending on the laboratory that analyzes the semen sample. Low sperm count is one of the leading causes of male infertility. Although low sperm count decreases you and your partners chances of conceiving a child through intercourse, it does not mean you cannot father a child.

Where to go to get tested for low sperm count?

Go to your doctor or a urologist, who can check if you have low sperm count.

How can a low sperm count still achieve conception?

It only takes one to do the job. The chances go down, but it can still happen.

Oligospermia is an abnormally high sperm count in the semen?

No, it is low sperm count

What does your semen look like if you have a low sperm count?

You cant tell you have low sperm count by looking. How do you know?

What is the leading cause of lower sperm count?

mumps will cause low sperm count

Can you have a child then get diaonosed with low sperm count?

Yes, you can still have a child with a low sperm count, as long as it isn't zero. A low sperm count just means that you will have a harder time getting a woman pregnant.

Does PC reduce sperm count?

Yes you can have a low sperm count if you are a regular user of a labtop for long periods. It is the radiation that is responsible.

Can low sperm count make a baby?

Only when you have sex