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No, it is far too cold.

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Q: What are the chances that life exists on uranus?
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What are the chances that life exists or may have existed on the sun?

Slim to none.

What are the chances that life exists or may have exists on the planet saturn'?

O% because it is not a solid planet and it has no oxagen which you probably need.

Does anythings exists on Uranus?

things does exists ons uruanus

What is the chance that life exists or may exist on planet Uranus?

there is no life on is one of the big giants and it is full of gas.

What are life forms for Uranus?

To date there has been no proof of life in this solar system, including all of its planets except for our planet; at least life of the type that we recognize. It should also be noted that Uranus is a gas giant type planet which lowers the chances of any form of life as we know it.

What is the plural form of Uranus?

None. Only 1 exists.

What are the chances of life occurring in the universe?

The chances (the probability) of life occurring in the universe is 1. We are alive, therefore life has occurred in the universe. There is also a 99.999999999% certainty that life exists elsewhere in the universe, because there are roughly dozens of planets in billions of solar systems in billions of galaxies.

Can animals survive there on Uranus planet?

No no life has been detected on Uranus. No life form known is thought to be able to survive on Uranus..

What are the chances that life exists or may have existed on Jupiter?

because Jupiter is made of gas there is no soild ground until you get close to the there can't be any life on Jupiter and there never will be.

Was there life in Uranus?


Do plants and animals live on Uranus?

of course not! there is no life on uranus.

Is there any possibility of life on Uranus?

There is not a high possibility of life on Uranus, it is very cold -224C on its average.