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The chances are very slim.

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Q: What are the chances you're pregnant if you have unprotected sex without ejaculation during your most fertile time and take the Plan B pills a couple days later?
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What are the chances of getting pregnant one or two days before you period with unprotected sex?

Just before your period you are at your most fertile

Is it more or less likely to get pregnant while on your period?

Less likely, but still possible. A woman can only get pregnant if she has sex either during ovulation or up to a week before ovulation when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present - this helps keep the sperm alive for up to 7 days and helps it to swim up through the cervical opening. During an average 28 day cycle a woman will be fertile between days 7-16 (ovulation on day 14, there can be a viable egg present for up to 48 hours) - by the time a woman menstruates the egg from the last cycle is long dead, and she cannot ovulate during menstruation. However if a woman's menstrual cycle is short she may ovulate soon after menstruation, thus if she was to have sex during her period sperm could survive up to 7 days, by which time she may have ovulated and thus she may get pregnant.

What is the probability of getting pregnant if sperm come out?

Depends on how far along the woman is in her monthly cycle of menstruation and ovulation. Women are most fertile two days before through two days after they ovulate, which occurs approximately 14 days after their last menstrual cycle. However, sperm has been said to survive up to 72 hours after coitus (sex). Even if a man does not ejaculate (i.e. "pulls out"), sperm is still released during sex, in the form of pre-ejaculate (which occurs during coitus and is virtually undetectable by either partner). Therefore, you CAN get a girl pregnant even if you pull out, and there is a good week or more that she can easily get pregnant out of each month--and that week is actually harder to pin down than just counting calendars.

What percentage of freemartin cattle will breed?

All freemartins will breed, but only five to 10% of freemartins will be fertile enough to concieve and give birth.

When are you most fertil?

The probabilities oscillate throughout the cycle and are individual to each woman. If we speak about the 'average' woman, the probabilities of being in the fertile window for a woman with a 28 cycle are the following: Day of the cycle / % of being in fertile window Day 11 - 63% Day 12 - 65% Day 13 - 61% Day 14 - 53% Day 15 - 50% These probabilities come from a study authored by Colombo, Masarotto (2000) and published in Demographic Research To be sure about your fertile and infertile days it is advisable to keep track of an ovulation calendar (this is enhanced if you also keep track of your temperature and cervical mucus data). You can use it to conceive but also for natural family planning (to prevent conception). A good one is Ovuline - Each woman is different. There are signs that your body gives off when it is most fertile. One big sign is your cervical mucus. Your cervical mucus becomes very clear and thin. Like egg whites. There's a great book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility. You might want to try readin that for other signs your body gives off.

Related questions

What are the chances of getting pregnant one or two days before you period with unprotected sex?

Just before your period you are at your most fertile

What do you need to do to get pregnant?

Have unprotected sexual intercourse with a fertile male !

When you are fertile does that reduce the chances of becoming pregnant?

The fertile time is the most likely time to get pregnant.

You had unprotected intercourse during your fertile period how likely is it that you could be pregnant?

VERY. Its happened to me too many times.

Can you get pregnant if you had unprotected sex while in your fertile days but he did not eyaculate and you had sex more than two times that night?

No, I'm a doctor about pregnancy and there's 0.01% that you'll get pregnant.

If you missed pills the week you was most fertile but then took them the next day and had unprotected sex all of those days. Could you be pregnant?


Is it true that if you've already had one child the chances of you getting pregnant again are very high especially when your having unprotected pullout sex?

No this is not true. The likelihood of you becomming pregnant depends on where you are in your cycle and how fertile you are. The withdrawal method has a very high faiure rate. You should use a condom and not use the pullout/withdrawal method.

Can you be fertile 2 days after you had your period and had protected sex?

Yes, you could be fertile 2 days after your period. However, if you had protected sex, the chances of you getting pregnant are low

What is the percentage of you getting pregnant if he pulled out?

I can't give you a percentage,, but I can tell you this: Pulling out is not an effective form of birth control. He doesn't have to ejaculate inside you to get you pregnant. The tiny bit of "pre-cum" which may leak out before ejaculation is enough to get you pregnant if you are fertile.

Can you be pregnant if you are fertile?

yes, you have to be fertile to become pregnant.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after having an ectopic pregnancy but didn't loose a tube?

You should still be able to get pregnant. If the other pregnancy was recent, then it is more likely you will be able to get pregnant because you are very fertile after a pregnancy

What are the chances of getting pregnant when your fertile but a condom was used?

They are lower than if you did not use one but no form of contrception, with the possible exception of abstinence, is foolproof.