

What are the changes matter undergo?

Updated: 6/4/2022
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8y ago

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it has a chemical change and physical change

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Kasandra Hegmann

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Q: What are the changes matter undergo?
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Can matter undergo changes in both its physical and its chemical properties?


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Gases undergo changes in volume very easily.solid

What phase changes can matter on earth undergo?

When matter is acted upon by force or temperature, it can move between all the states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.

Does matter undergo changes?

it undergoes change, cause these changes may be temporary and easily reversible or may permanent and very difficult to reverse.

What are the contribution they the chemistry give to the human?

It contributes best in the study of composition of matter and the changes matters undergo

Can matter undergo changes in both its physical and its chemical properties Explain please?

Yes, matter can undergo changes in both its physical and chemical properties. Physical changes involve alterations in the form or state of matter without changing its chemical composition, such as melting ice into water. Chemical changes, on the other hand, involve transformations at the molecular level, resulting in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties, such as rusting of iron.

What is the chemistry definition?

Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the structure, composition and properties of matter. It also deals with the laws and principles governing the changes that matter may undergo.

What are six physical changes matter can undergo?

this is all i have... melting freezing dissolving crushing sanding cutting.... this is all from a science book

Why does matter undergo changes?

Matter undergoes changes due to interactions between its particles, such as collisions, chemical reactions, or changes in temperature, pressure, or energy levels. These interactions can cause rearrangement of the particles or changes in their properties, leading to physical or chemical changes in the matter.

How does matter change without changing it's identity?

Matter can undergo physical changes without changing its identity. Physical changes include melting or freezing; evaporating or condensing; changing shape; chopping or grinding into smaller pieces.