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There are many characteristics of a cone-bearing plant. The plant is usually a very hardy plant that can survive harsh conditions and rough terrain.

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Edwin Mitchell

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Q: What are the characteristic of cones bearing plants?
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What name is given to plants that produce cones?

cone bearing plants are called monicse posted by: jack wafermen

What are the classes of seed-bearing plants?

The two groups of seed-bearing plants are:-gymnosperms and angiosperms.Gymnosperm-are vascular plants that produce seeds on the scales of cones. Angiosperm-flowering plants that develop seeds enclosed in a fruit are called angiosperms.

What are cone-bearing plants such as pines and firs called?

Coniferous trees a pines, they have needles, not leaves. Their seeds are in the cones.

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spore -bearing plants the reproductive structures are called spores while the seed - bearing plant enclosed in woody structures called cones or strobili.

What are three cone- bearing plants names?

Spruce, pine, fir, redwoods and junipers are all cone-bearing. Most conifers will produce cones, which can also be known as gymnosperms.

What are all example of cone bearing plants?

Some pine trees and Pine cones.

What are characteristic of coniferophyta?

Coniferophytas have woody stems. They also often have narrow leaves shaped as needles. These plants produce seeds in cones.

The seed-bearing cone pictured belongs to the group of plants called the?

Gymnosperms use cones to distribute their seeds.

What are the spore bearing structures and club mosses and horse tails in the cones of Gymnosperms called?

The spore bearing structures in club mosses and horsetails and the cones of gymnosperms called strobili.

What are the spores bearing structures in the club mosses and horsetails and the cones of gymnosperms called?

The spore bearing structures in club mosses and horsetails and the cones of gymnosperms called strobili.

What are the characteristics of conifer?

Conifers are any type of plant that bears cones such as the pine. and tend to grow in cold places They are cone-bearing seed plants with vascular tissue.

What is a gymnosperm with cones which the name means 'cone bearing'?
