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Sharing or exchange of electrons.

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Jonathan Block

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Q: What are the characteristics of a chemical bonds?
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Name two properties of minerals that depend on chemical bonds?

Examples: chemical reactivity, toxicity, flammability, stability.

When elements form bonds it changes what?

When elements form bonds, it changes their chemical properties. Bonds involve sharing or transferring electrons, which can lead to the formation of new substances with different physical and chemical characteristics than the original elements. Bonds can also affect the reactivity and stability of the resulting compounds.

What type of energy is stored in chemical bonds?

Chemical energy is stored in chemical bonds. This energy is released when the bonds are broken, typically through chemical reactions.

What happens to chemical bonds when new compounds are formed in a chemical reaction?

the bonds get larger and more bonds are created

Where is the energy in a polysaccharide store?

In the chemical bonds of its monomers.

What are some characteristics of mixtures?

A mixture contain two or more components not linked by chemical bonds; a mixture can be separated by a physical process.

Are covalent bonds chemical bonds?

its a kind of chemical bond

What are the definitions of chemical and physical properties?

Chemical properties describe how a substance interacts with other substances to form new chemical bonds or undergo chemical reactions. Physical properties, on the other hand, describe the characteristics of a substance that can be observed without changing its chemical identity, such as color, density, and melting point.

What happens chemical bonds during a chemical reaction?

Some or all of the existing chemical bonds in the reactants are broken and new chemical bonds are formed in the products.

What chemical changes involve breaking and making chemical bonds?

Breaking of bonds but also formation of new bonds.

What changes do chemical reactions involve in chemical bonds that join atoms in compounds?

Chemical reactions involve the breaking of existing chemical bonds between atoms in reactants and the formation of new chemical bonds to create products. These bond-breaking and bond-forming processes result in the rearrangement of atoms to form different compounds with new chemical properties.

What happens to chemical bonds in a molecule during a chemical reaction?

The existing chemical bonds break and new bonds are created to give products.