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Characteristics of a modernized society include technological advancement, access to education and healthcare, democratic governance, gender equality, diversity acceptance, environmental sustainability, and a strong economy based on innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Q: What are the characteristics of a modernised society?
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Four distinct characteristics of any society are?

Four distinct characteristics of any society are its culture, social structure, economy, and politics. Culture includes beliefs, customs, and traditions. Social structure refers to the organization of individuals within the society. Economy involves the production and distribution of resources. Politics refers to the organization and governance of the society.

What is A description comprised of the essential characteristics of a feature of society.?

ideal type

What is a description comprised of the essential characteristics of a feature of society?

A description of society's feature would cover its key aspects, such as its purpose, function, impact, and significance within the broader social context. It aims to provide a clear and succinct overview of the feature's defining characteristics and how it influences or shapes society.

What are some characteristics of a patriarchal society?

Some characteristics of a patriarchal society include male dominance in positions of power and authority, the relegation of women to subordinate roles, the enforcement of rigid gender roles and expectations, and the normalization of gender-based discrimination and violence.

What do sociologists call a shift in the characteristics of culture and society?

Sociologists refer to a shift in the characteristics of culture and society as social change. This term encompasses changes in norms, values, institutions, and structures within a society over time. Social change can result from various factors such as technological advancements, social movements, or economic developments.