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Q: What are the characteristics of air in pneumatics?
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What fluids is used in pneumatics?

They are gases, usually air.

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What is pneumatics and how does it work?

In a nutshell, pneumatics is a means whereby signals and energy are transmitted, controlled and distributed using pressurized air as the medium. Pneumatics can be effectively combined with other technologies through the use of sensors, transducers and microprocessors

How are hydraulics and pneumatics the same?

One uses a liquid, one uses air. not the same

What is the primary reason to use hydraulics instead of pneumatics?

oil is slightly compressible 0.5 % at 70 bar. but air is compressible. so to get the required pressure pneumatics require more energy source than hydraulics also there are some limitations for pneumatics in terms of force.

What is the definition of Industrial Pneumatics?

the branch of physics that deals with the mechanical properties of air and other gases.

What are the advantages of pneumatics system?

Speed​​. Rapid transfer of power. Cheap air. The system is simple.

Is Hydraulics More Effective Then Pneumatics?

My thoughts go like this...(from watching 'Scrapheap Challenge"0 plus a little basic knowledge of physics. 1/ Pneumatics involve the movement of pistons and what not via the medium of compressed air or air under pressure. 2/ Hydraulics involve the movement of pistons and what not via the medium of compressed fluids or fluid under pressure. 3/ Fluid is denser than gas (compressed air). I believe hydraulics can handle far heavier loads than pneumatics. Pneumatics would appear to use a lighter more flexible medium than hydraulics. In answer to your question, I believe hydraulics would be far more effective at manipulating heavy loads versus pneumatics. However, pneumatics would be a more flexible system than hydraulics. Hows that?

What are the electro pneumatics component?

Some actuator or devices are operated by compressed air. These devices are known as pneumatic components

Why pneumatics important to industry?

Pneumatic has a carbide industry. Many things can be done with air pressure and a remote control.

What is pneumatization?

It's the same thing as a hollow bone. That's one of the characteristics birds posse than enables them to fly (if their bones had the same weight as ours, they wouldn't be able to lift). Some dinosaurs had the same type of bones. Hope it helped.