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there are no cheats but you have to do tasks to be able to unlock them

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Q: What are the cheats for toom raider anniversary?
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What is the cheat code for Tomb Raider anniversary?

The answer is very simple. there is no cheats you can just put in. you have to unlock the cheats with the time trials

Are there any cheats for Tomb Raider anniversary?

There are no cheat codes- you just need to do time trials and find artifacts and suff. Go on tomb raider chronicles, walkthrough then cheats.

How do you unlock Tomb Raider anniversary cheats?

Simple! Just complete the time trials on each area.

Where have to type cheats in Tomb Raider Anniversary PC?

well first you have to be at the menu and your profile selected then go options and go to the on second from the bottom and click on it and you have the cheats

What is the difference between Tomb Raider 1 and Tomb Raider Anniversary?

tomb raider 1 has bad graphics and tomb raider anniversary has better graphics

Did Tomb Raider anniversary come before Tomb Raider underworld?

yes. Anniversary is a remake of the very first tomb raider game to celebrate the 10 year anniversary

Are there any ammo or breath cheats for Tomb Raider anniversary?

Yes, but you must do time-trials and complete the game and stuff. see

Which Tomb Raider came first legends or anniversary?

Legend, then Anniversary Actually, Tomb Raider Anniversary is the same game as the first one except Anniversary has better graphics. But its the same storyline.

How do you perch on Tomb Raider?

You are only able to perch on Tomb Raider: Anniversary and Tomb Raider: Underworld. Just jump to the top of a column that looks like it might be alright to stand on. Here's a picture from Tomb Raider: Anniversary that is an example:

How to get the relic in the caves in Tomb Raider anniversary?

f you would like to find all secrets and relics search online for 'tomb raider anniversary walkthrough'.

How do you unlock the cat suit on Tomb Raider anniversary?

to unlock the cat suit in tomb raider anniversary you need to find all relics in all the levels and then beat the entire game in tomb raider mode.

Is there a cheat for the music room in Tomb Raider anniversary?
