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Q: What are the chemical protective overcoat and trousers when worn together called?
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The chemical protective coat and trousers when worn together?


How do you get Tippex off school trousers?

urinate on the affected area :)

What personal protective equipment must be worn when handling acetone?

The personal protective equipment that should be used when handling acetone varies depending on how much is being handled, in what way, and what kinds of ventilation and other engineering controls are in place and operating properly. You would not need the same precautions in dealing with a bottle of nail polish remover (acetone) that you would if you were stirring an open vessel containing hundreds of gallons of the stuff.A range of PPE selected for handling Acetone includesRespiratorSkin protection - Nitrile or super nitrile gloves.Skin Protection - Long-sleeved 100% cotton shirt and full-length 100% cotton trousers / or a knee-length 100% cotton laboratory coat (with long sleeves which clip at the wrist) can also be worn.Eye / Face Protection: either safety glasses, spectacles, goggles or a full face shield (complying with AS 1337).Enclosed safety shoes (complying with AS 2210).

How do you get black nail polish out of a pair of white trousers?

Have you tried nail-polish remover? I would suggest repeated dabbings, switching to fresh cotton balls soaked in remover as the old ones become discolored with the polish. When all the polish is out, launder your trousers as usual. I used this method to get red polish out of a pair of blue-jeans. You might need to bleach the pants or use a laundry booster, as I found that the polish remover got out stains on the old jeans that I didn't know were there. ;-) After washing the jeans a couple times, the color evened out, and no lasting damage was done from the remover.

How is hydrogen found in nature?

Hydrogen is found literally everywhere in nature.

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The chemical protective coat and trousers when worn together?


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Clothing that starts with O?

Overcoat, outerwear, overshoes, Ocular Rift.

What do palaeontologists wear?

Normal a shirt trousers and maybe a tie with an overcoat jacket (white)

What can you wear that starts with o?

Overcoat, Orange hat, Old trousers. an Opal ring ,or necklace, etc..

Identify 3 locations should place M9 on your protective clothing?

Upper Arms of jacket Above the ankles of trousers Lower Arms of jacket

Identify the three locations where you should place m9 paper on your protective clothing?

upper arms of jacket lower arms of jacket above the ankles of trousers

Identify three locations where you should place m9 paper?

Inside the protective mask carrier, as it can be used to detect chemical agents that may have penetrated the mask. Around the perimeter of a vehicle or building to quickly determine if any chemical contamination is present. In a first aid kit to use as a quick screening tool for chemical contamination on skin or clothing in an emergency situation.

What is 'new trousers' in Italian?

Nuovi pantaloni is an Italian equivalent of 'new trousers'. The masculine adjective 'nuovi' means 'new'. The masculine noun 'pantaloni' means 'trousers, slacks, pants'. Together, they're pronounced 'NWOH-vee pahn-tah-LOH-nee'.