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Q: What are the classes of the feudal system?
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What are facts on the feudal system?

the feudal system was sustained by the rights and privileges given to the upper classes and in most cases enacted by laws

A chart showing the different social classes under the feudal system?

A chart showing the different social classes under the feudal system is represented by a triangle. The lowest class in society can be found at the bottom while the highest class is at the topmost.

In the feudal system were there any advantages for the peasants?

No, there was no advantage to being a peasant. The feudal system was designed to benefit the upper classes, not the lower. People did not choose to be peasants, they were forced into that role.

What were the three classes of the feudal system?

The three classes were the clergy (their duty was basically to pray), the nobility (their duty was to fight), and the serfs (they were to work).

What four social classes existed in the feudal system of western Europe?

i don't k now

What were the main social classes in the feudal system?

1. Church Officials, Nobles2. Knights3. Peasants

Did Romans use the feudal system?

No, the feudal system was a medieval system.

What is the primary characteristic of European feudal society?

The feudal system is a political system that was prevalent in Europe in between the eighth and fourteenth centuries. Most of the agricultural society was largely supported by the feudal system social hierarchy. In the feudal system, most of the rights and privileges were given to the Upper classes. In this hierarchical structure, the kings occupied the topmost position, followed by barons, bishops, knights and villains or peasants.

Where did the feudal system exist?

feudal is the answer

What was one of the outgrowths of the feudal system?

Chivalry was an outgrowth of the feudal system

Is feudal system fair?

The feudal system is not considered to be a fair system because of its bias toward the wealthier classes of people within the system. The lower the class of person, the less likely he would be to own property.

What responsibilitys did peasants have in feudal system?

They supported the entire feudal system by working the land.