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Q: What are the clouds that are dark and usually cause precipitation?
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What kind of clouds are dark and usually cause precipitation?


Is white fluffy clouds rain?

No, White fluffy clouds (Cumulus clouds) do not usually cause rain. usually rain clouds are dark.

Precipitation is most likely to occur when the sky?

when the sky is clear and sunny

What normally happens when there are dark black clouds in the sky?

When there are dark clouds in the sky, it is a sign that a rain shower is eminent. Clouds full of precipitation are much more dense than other clouds and as a result less sunlight can shine through causing the clouds to appear black.

What do nimbostratus clouds look like?

Clouds that include the term "nimbus" tend to be the ones that come with moderate precipitation and storms. These clouds tend to be fluffy with dark gray bottoms.

Why clouds are black during rain?

Clouds are dark when it rains because they are full of water. When a cloud is saturated with water, it has to release some of it, in the form of precipitation.

What is a stratonimbus cloud?

A nimbostratus cloud is a type of cloud that appears usually in groups and are large, dark rounded masses. These clouds move slowly and produce precipitation.. These clouds form low in the sky and the rain they produce could go on for days.

What is a nimbo stratus?

Nimbostratus clouds are dark, low-level clouds that are accompanied by falling precipitation. Low clouds are primarily composed of water droplets, or when cold enough, these clouds may also contain ice particles and snow.

Dark gray cloud that blankets the sky and often generates precipitation is called?

The dark gray cloud that blankets the sky and often generates precipitation is called a nimbostratus cloud. These are also clouds that extend far both vertically and horizontally.

Does dark stratus clouds usually mean that rain is on its way?


What is the color of nimbus clouds?

Nimbus clouds or thunderclouds are usually tall, dense and very dark in color. These clouds form thunderstorms and heavy rain usually follows.

Why does thunder occur in cloudy weather only?

cuz in clouds, once enough precipitation forms and clouds become heavy and dark, rain, and snow could form depending on the season, and lightning can occur from the clouds causing thunder.