

What are the common causes or respiratory ailment?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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common causes is cold, lung cancer, etc

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Q: What are the common causes or respiratory ailment?
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What are the common causes or respiratory ailment of symptoms?

The most common cause of upper respiratory symptoms are viruses. Viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics. Physicians usually recommend rest, fluids and time to allow symptoms resolve.

What are the other ailment of respiratory system?

cough . common colds, influenza and chronic disease.

How do you prevent ailment of respiratory system?

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A common nose ailment is a deviated septum.

What is the meaning of common ailments?

Common ailments are diseases or other health problems that lots of people get; the cold is perhaps the most common ailment, arthritis is a common ailment, obesity is a common ailment.

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The most common ailment among any humans is the common cold.

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A cold is a common ailment of the respiratory system. If you're taking care of someone who has a cold, make sure that they have plenty of tissues and stay hydrated. Also offer cold medicine if it's available.

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Ailments of respiratory system and its treatment?

This is such a broad question. The respiratory system is prone to many ailments. The treatments will differ based on the ailment and the severity. Respiratory ailments range anywhere from common cold to tension pneumothorax. Perhaps the most common ailments are COPD related. Things such as emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma. All three ailments require some sort of bronchodilator or sympathomimetic such as albuterol or epinephrine. In the field, we can administer SVN, or small volume nebulizer masks to relax the passages (bronchioles) in the lungs.

How do you spell enfazema?

The correct spelling of the respiratory ailment is emphysema (insufficient functional lung cells).

Name of the disease coming from the conventioneers?

That would be legionnaire's disease which was an air bourne respiratory ailment.

What is the meaning of ailments?

Common ailments are diseases or other health problems that lots of people get; the cold is perhaps the most common ailment, Arthritis is a common ailment, obesity is a common ailment.