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Hydrogen, Helium, Methane, Hydrogen deuteride, and Ethane.


It is much like Uranus and the other giant planets, with a thick atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia, a relatively low density, and a rapid period of rotation.

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The elements of Venus are argon, neon, water, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

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there are none

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Q: What are the common elements present of Moon and their state of matter?
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What are the common elements present and their state of matter on Mercury?

just nothing find somewhere else.

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mars is a red planet and youu can float and stuff :D

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What is the state of matter for most elements?

The matter for most elements is a solid.

What are the common elements present and their state of matter on Saturn?

The common elements of Saturn is Hydrogen and Helium. Saturn's powerful gravitational pull and atmospheric pressure allows Hydrogen and Helium to exist as a liquid around its core. In addition to being liquids most of its atmosphere is Hydrogen and Helium with Ammonia being the source of its yellow coloration.

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The most common state of matter among elements is solid. This is because many elements exist as solids at room temperature and pressure. Some examples of solid elements include iron, copper, and gold.

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The most common state of matter for water is liquid.

Neptune's common elements and their state of matter?

helium and hydrogen is probably incorrect so you might want to go look somewhere else

What are the common elements presents on the planet earth and their state of matter?

The common elements present on Earth include oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. These elements can exist in various states of matter on Earth, such as solid (e.g., iron in the Earth's core), liquid (e.g., water), and gas (e.g., oxygen in the atmosphere).

In which state of matter do most elements exist?

Most elements exist in the state of matter known as solids at room temperature and pressure. Some elements can also exist as liquids or gases depending on the conditions.

What is a large class of matter made up of elements and compounds?

I suppose that you think to the solid state of matter.

What state of matter are most of the elements of the periodic table?

Most elements in the periodic table exist as solids at room temperature. Only a few elements, such as mercury, bromine, and gallium, are liquid at room temperature. A smaller number, like hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, and noble gases, are gases at room temperature.