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Usually using AND can be used to find more specific information by combining the keywords. OR can also be used to let it know that one finds either term acceptable.

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What is a search engine that uses serveral other search engines at once to gain largest number of results called?

It is known as a meta-search engine.

What is the difference between a search engine and a meta-search engine?

I think a meta-search engine uses another search engine/s to to look for its results so it does not have necessarily have to crawl and index all the Internet web pages.

Who uses Internet service provider?

NO! You need an installable snippet of code in your browser to select your search engine to search automatically in your favorite search engine in the browser.

Are all search engines on Google Chrome free?

Chrome uses Google as it's default search engine. Google is the biggest search engine and is free.

What is megasearch engine?

a megasearch engine is a search engine that uses many other search engines to find the best information (sites like and

What is the difference between a search engine and a gateway?

A gateway is a group of librarians and researchers. A search engine is designed to search the internet for information.

Which search engine uses spiders to search documents?

they all do. spiders are how search engines find sites and determine what the site is about.

What search engine uses its canine mascot to get results for the users?

How is a metacrawler different from a search engine?

This document has been deleted from our servers!

What search engine does hotmail use?

Hotmail uses Bing as a search engine. Actually, hotmail search option works for email searching but the basic concept comes from Bing.

What is Bangladesh's first search engine?

Bangladesh's first search engine is but i have to recommend a much better search engine made here in Bangladesh it is new and uses all the other popular search is