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Private Health and Telegraph are two companies from the United Kingdom who offer insurance as well as compare companies to others to determine which would be best suited.

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Q: What are the companies that provide health insurance in the UK?
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Which companies in the UK provide affordable health insurance?

If someone wanted to find affordable health insurance in the UK there are a variety of places where someone can do so. Some of these places are Simply Health and Money Supermarket.

What are the largest health insurance companies in the UK?

Most health care is nationalised, so it would be the Government, who provide health care using National Insurance, effectively a tax.

What are some of the companies that provide business car insurance in the UK?

Many companies in the UK provide car insurance. Some of the more well known companies include Aviva, eCarInsurance, AXA Car Insurance, and the Zurich group.

What companies provide travel insurance in the UK?

Square Mouth and John Hancock are two companies that provide travel insurance in the UK, or United Kingdom. For more information about these companies check out their official websites.

What services does Prudential Insurance provide in the UK?

Prudentia Insurance UK provides the following services: pension, annuities, investments ISAs, bonds, open-ended Investment companies, insurance- auto, home, private health, travel.

Do the insurance companies in the UK do more that just car insurance?

Companies in the United Kingdom offer other types of insurance other than just car insurance. There are companies in the UK that offer health, life, and business insurance.

Where are some companies in the UK to get insurance?

There are many companies in the UK that offer various types of insurance; some of these companies include Autonet Van Insurance, Barclays Life Insurance, Bupa Health Insurance, Essential Travel, and Swiftcover Home Insurance.

What UK companies offer a discount on health insurance?

In the UK, several companies offer discounts on health insurance. AXA PPP Healthcare, Quotezone, Staysure, Saga, Bupa, and PurHealth all offer discounts.

Where can one get private health insurance in the UK?

Private health insurance can be obtained through several companies. One company that offers it to individuals in the UK is Bupa. They offer several types of health and dental insurance plans.

What are good car insurance companies in the UK?

Pioneers Insurance and Elephant are both two reputable car insurance companies, located in the United Kingdom. They will provide you with your auto insurance needs.

How does health insurance companies work?

In the UK health insurance companies operate by "opting" into the insurance system. People would approach whatever company that they would like to provide their health insurance. People could use many price comparison websites to choose the best supplier which would most suit their needs in relation to what level of care they need and also what meets their financial limitations. Hope this helps.

Which companies in the UK offer medical insurance for dogs?

Many companies and organizations offer health insurance for dogs, also called pet insurance, in the UK. Some popular choices include PetPlan, Healthy Pets, Sainsbury's Bank, the RSPCA and Churchill.