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The complimentary colours for the Primary colours are the Secondary colours made up of the mixture of the two remaining Primary colours. The Complimentary colours to the Secondary colours are the Primary colours not used to create them.

Red - Green; Yellow - Purple; Blue - Orange. Green - Red; Purple - Yellow; Orange - Blue.

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Q: What are the complementary colors of the primary and secondary colors?
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Does every color have a complementary color?

Let's start with what colors have complements red and green blue and orange yellow and purple one of the colors in the pairs is a primary (where no colors can be mixed to make that color) and the other color is a secondary that cannot be made by two other primary colors that are not of its complement (green is made of blue and yellow while it's complement is red) if you mix any two complementary colors, it will make brown. However, since brown is made of a primary (red, blue, or yellow) and a secondary (green, orange, or purple) color it doesn't have a complement because it isn't a primary nor a secondary color. Black is made of equal parts of all three primary colors while white is no color. I don't think they are considered complementary colors, but the fact that brown has no complement, they answer to the question would be no. Not every color has a complement.

Can you make black out of the primary colours-?

Orange, purple and green are the secondary colors that can be made out of primary colors. You cannot make black out of primary colors.

What are the primary colors and secondary colors on a color wheel?

The traditional primary colors of the color wheel are red, yellow, and blue. The secondary colors are formed by mixing any two of the primary colors, making orange, green, and purple (or violet). Confusingly, different primary and secondary colors exist on the spectrum of light (such as on your TV screen or computer monitor), and they are red, green, and blue, having secondary colors of cyan, yellow, and magenta.

What are the three primary color and the three secondary color?

The 3 primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. The 3 secondary colors can be created by mixing 2 of the primary colors. They are orange, green, and purple.

How do you make colors from color in quantity?

You can create colors in small amounts, by blending either primary colors, primary colors with secondary colors, or primary colors with tertiary colors. You can also blend secondary and tertiary colors with each other to create small qunatities of dolors from larger quantites of colors.

Related questions

What color happens when 3 primary colors overlap?

The color brown occurs when the 3 primary colors overlap. Color theory teaches that mixing a primary color and its complementary secondary color will make brown. This works because the complementary secondary color contains the other two primary colors.

What makes the three primary colours special?

Primary colors can make all other secondary colors, on a huge quantity of tonalities, by adding white or black, and by varying the amounts of each primary color used to make complementary colors.

Why are secondary colors considered secondary?

They are secondary colors because they can be created by mixing the primary colors. The secondary colors are purple, green, and orange. These aren't just considered the secondary colors, they are the official secondary colors. The always have been and they always will. Answer The three primary colors are red, green and blue. When the primary colors are mixed, they assemble three secondary colors, which are: Yellow. Cyan. Magenta.

Are colors that cannot be split into componet colors complementary colors?

No, Primary Colours.

How are the secondary colors of light related to the primary colors?

Because there would be no secondary colors without primary colors mixing together.

Does every color have a complementary color?

Let's start with what colors have complements red and green blue and orange yellow and purple one of the colors in the pairs is a primary (where no colors can be mixed to make that color) and the other color is a secondary that cannot be made by two other primary colors that are not of its complement (green is made of blue and yellow while it's complement is red) if you mix any two complementary colors, it will make brown. However, since brown is made of a primary (red, blue, or yellow) and a secondary (green, orange, or purple) color it doesn't have a complement because it isn't a primary nor a secondary color. Black is made of equal parts of all three primary colors while white is no color. I don't think they are considered complementary colors, but the fact that brown has no complement, they answer to the question would be no. Not every color has a complement.

How do you call the color that are produced by mixing primary colors and secondary colors?

The colors produced by mixing primary colors and secondary colors are known as tertiary colors. These colors are created by combining adjacent primary and secondary colors on the color wheel.

When two primary colors are combined their called?

Two primary colors combined creates a secondary color.

List primary and secondary colors?

Primary colors: red, blue and yellow Secondary colors: green, orange and purple

Is green a primary or secondary color?

the primary colors are red yellow and blue. secondary colors are colors that you get if you mix two of the primary colors. if you mix blue and yellow you will get green. It is secondary.

How are secondary color related to primary colors?

Secondary colors are created by mixing two primary colors together. For example, mixing red and blue creates purple, mixing blue and yellow creates green, and mixing red and yellow creates orange. These secondary colors are intermediate colors on the color wheel that result from combining primary colors.

Can you make black out of the primary colours-?

Orange, purple and green are the secondary colors that can be made out of primary colors. You cannot make black out of primary colors.