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Q: What are the components of a decision making system?
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Which systems helps you with making a decision about a nonstructured problem?

Decision support system

What will a good decision making system do?

get decision to the right decision maker, create a trail of accountability, and provide flexibility

What is the difference between an open decision making system and a closed decision making system?

A. Closed decision making system:If the manager operates in a known environment then it is a closed decision making system. The conditions of the closed decision making system are:(a) The manager has a known set of decision alternatives and knows their outcomes fully in terms of value, if implemented.(b) The manager has a model, a method or a rule whereby the decision alternatives can be generated, tested, and ranked.(c) The manager can choose one of them, based on some goal or objective.A few examples are:a product mix problem,an examination system to declare pass or fail, oran acceptance of the fixed deposits.B. Open decision making system:If the manager operates in an environment not known to him, then the decision making system is termed as an open decision making system. The conditions of this system are:(a) The manager does not know all the decision alternatives.(b) The outcome of the decision is also not known fully. The knowledge of the outcome may be a probabilistic one.(c) No method, rule or model is available to study and finalize one decision among the set of decision alternatives.(d) It is difficult to decide an objective or a goal and, therefore, the manager resorts to that decision, where his aspirations or desires are met best.Deciding on the possible product diversification lines, the pricing of a new product, and the plant location, are some decision making situations which fall in the category of the open decision making systems. by prerna

The type of information system that provides interactive and ad hoc support for decision making to end user managers is referred to as a?

decision reporting system

What do managers need to know about informaton systems?

An information system as a set of interrelated components that work together to collect, process, store, and disseminate information to support decision making, coordination, control, analysis, and visualization in an organization

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Differences between system and information system?

System is the interrelated component that work together for common purpose/goals and Information system is a collection of components that work together to produce useful information for decision making.

What is the difference between a decision aid and a support system?

Decision aid system is for decision making. A support system is a helpdesk.

What are the key components of the Evaluation and Management Codes?

The 3 key components of Evaluation and Management codes are:HistoryExaminationMedical Decision Making

decision support system (DSS)?

interactive and iterative managerial decision making

Which systems helps you with making a decision about a nonstructured problem?

Decision support system

What exactly is information system?

information system are set of interrelated components that work together to collect, process, store and disseminate information to support decision making, co-ordination, control, analysis, and visualization in an organization.

What exactly is an information system?

information system are set of interrelated components that work together to collect, process, store and disseminate information to support decision making, co-ordination, control, analysis, and visualization in an organization.

What will A good decision making system will?

get decision to the right decision maker, create a trail of accountability, and provide flexibility

What will a good decision making system do?

get decision to the right decision maker, create a trail of accountability, and provide flexibility

What is a decision support system?

A Decision Support System is widely used in the computer industry. It helps businesses and organizations with activities involving decision making and planning.

Which systems are intended to help individual managers in their decision making capability?

Decision Support system