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Abiotic & Biotic

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Q: What are the components of ecosytem?
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How do hurricanes and tornadoes efffect the ecosytem?

they could kill animals in the ecosytem while distroy one

What is a spiders ecosytem?

in a web

What is the ecosytem of a gorilla?

Mostly forest .

What is a salamanders environment?

what is a salmanders ecosytem

Is the flying fish dangerous?

they are dangerous to the ecosytem

How does a starling affect the ecosytem?

they ate everything

Why some human intevene to ecosytem?

when they have babies

What affects tyeps of ecosytem?

we do because w

Communities can be divided into different ecosytem?


What is a good sentence for ecosytem?

The pandas ecosystem is endangered.

Which group in an ecosytem performs photosynthesis?

Autotrophs Producers

How does biodiversity influence an ecosytem?

by leetting pple be able to walk