

What are the components of gravity?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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dont look on wiki its a bad sorce... especially for home work

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Q: What are the components of gravity?
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How does the gravity affect the two components of projectile motion?

Projectile motion has two components horizontal motion and vertical motion. Gravity affects only the vertical motion of projectile motion.

How do forces affect a falling object?

Air resistance and gravity are the main components.

Which of these components of projectile motion is not influenced by gravity?

Horizontal and vertical components which need to be treated independently from each other when working out either the horizontal or vertical motion.

How does gravity affect the 2 components of projectile motion?

Gravity affects the vertical component of projectile motion by accelerating the object downwards, increasing its speed as it falls. This causes a parabolic trajectory. Gravity has no effect on the horizontal component, which remains constant unless an external force is applied.

How are the four components of the earth connected?

Gravity,which is pulling all those components together, and the earth's inertia, which keeps those components in the same location relative to eachother. If the Earth's gravity stopped working one day, then all those components would most likely fly off into space or get sucked into the sun. Another thing that helps keep the components stay together, is pressure.

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Froth flotation is not a gravity concentration method; it is actually a physicochemical separation process based on the differences in surface properties of particles. In froth flotation, particles are suspended in water and air bubbles are introduced. The particles with hydrophobic surfaces attach to the bubbles and are carried to the surface, forming a froth that is then skimmed off.

What happens when ua is dilluted?

It means it has a low gravity and not very many components of urine substances. It counts as a fail.

Does volume percent equal w percent?

No. Only if the two components have the same density (specific gravity), which is highly unlikely.

Is mass or weight determined by gravity?

Weight is determined by gravity, as it is the force on an object due to gravity pulling it towards the center of the Earth. Mass, on the other hand, is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is constant regardless of the gravitational force acting on it.

Summarize the components of Stratosphere and Troposphere?

The stratosphere is the second layer of Earth's atmosphere, located above the troposphere, and contains the ozone layer that absorbs and helps block harmful ultraviolet radiation. The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere, where weather phenomena occur, and is characterized by decreasing temperature with increasing altitude. Both layers play critical roles in regulating the planet's climate and weather patterns.

What does specific gravy of 1.015 in urinalysis mean?

A specific gravity of 1.015 in a urinalysis indicates the concentration of solutes in the urine. A value of 1.015 is within the normal range of 1.005 to 1.030, suggesting a properly hydrated individual with balanced urine concentration. Further interpretation may be needed in the context of other urinary markers and clinical symptoms.

List five components of the physical examination of urine?

1) Appearance 2) Volume 3) Foam 4) Oder 5) Specific Gravity