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A rock isn't what is needed to make a fossil, dirt covers over a decayed animal or shell and eventually takes the shape of the bones and makes a fossil.

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Q: What are the conditions needed for rocks to have fossils?
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Why are fossil fuels NOT found in metamorphic rocks?

Because metamorphic rocks do not exist in the conditions needed to preserve fossils. Fossils need specific conditions to remove decaying factors and preserve the mineral part of the fossile.

Where do scientist find clues about past climate conditions?

rocks an fossils

What can you learn from fossils and rocks?

The history and evolution of our planet, its biosphere and what conditions were like in the past.

Why fossils are rarely found in metamorphic and igneous rocks?

This is because igneous and metamorphic rocks are created under extreme heat and pressure, and very few fossils would survive those conditions. The most common forms of fossils are those found in sedimentary rocks.

Where is a fossil found?

Fossils can be found almost anywhere where the rocks are old enough and conditions in their deposition were right. Generally fossils are found in sedimentary rocks, often where there used to be lakes or shallow seas.

Do all rocks contain fossils explain the conditions necessary for fossils to form?

nopee.. and the conditions are that the organism has to be buried quickly, hidden from scavengers. and another condition is if they have hard parts they are preserved better.

Why aren't fossils found in ingenious rocks?

because they are rocks and fossils dont belong in rocks and fossils can be made things an rocks cant :(...

Why are fossils rare in igneous and metamorphic rock?

This is because igneous and metamorphic rocks are created under extreme heat and pressure, and very few fossils would survive those conditions. The most common forms of fossils are those found in sedimentary rocks.

What kind of habitat that is most likely to be rich in fossils?

According to experts, the best environments to search for fossils are places near rocks or deserts. Most fossils are preserved in these areas.

Are there any fossils in sedimentary rocks?

Yes all fossils occur in sedimentary rocks or rocks that began as sedimentary rocks.

What kind of rocks yield fossils?

Most fossils are preserved in sedimentary rocks.

What kinds of rocks do you not find fossils in and why?

Igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks, because the intense heat and pressure destroys fossils.