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Q: What are the conditions that humans need to live on Uranus?
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What are the conditions that humans need to live in Jupiter?

oxgen carboxanion plants house and other thing

What modifications would a human need to live on Uranus?

we could not live on Uranus because it is too far away from the sun and and we would need everything we have on Earth and approximately 4,000,000,000 space shuttles to get to Uranus

How many coats will you need to live on Uranus?

you will need alot of coats if u go to the planet uranus because it is very cold i should know i did a poster on uranus

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What are the atmosphere conditions of Uranus?

it is usually cold on Uranus so if anyone was to go there they would need a thick space suit. you also need a heater or some other power source.

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Apes are so much stronger than humans because of the conditions they need to live in. Apes may often live in trees and need incredible strength to climb. They also need that strength to fight of animals larger than them.

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All of them.

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Is Jupiter's atmosphere breathable?

No. There is no breathable air.No. People would not be able to live breathing Uranus' atmosphere, which is thin and consists mostly of hydrogen (which isn't bad for us), helium, ammonia, and methane (all three of which are not at all good for Earthlings in such high concentration).

Why do humans need to breathe in oxygen?

In order to live.

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What do humans need to survive space?

We can not live with out trees