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Q: What are the consequences of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano?
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Related questions

Where is the Eyjafjallajkull volcano located?

It is located in Iceland.

How did Eyjafjallajkull volcano affect the people?

It ruined their environment, duuuh?!

How many people died in the Eyjafjallajkull eruption in 2010?

nobody died

What is always angry?

A volcano is always angry because it holds powerful forces beneath its surface that can erupt with destructive consequences.

Is arenal volcano a composite volcano or a cindercone volcano?

The arenal volcano is a cindercone volcano not a composite.

What kind of volcano is the veniaminof volcano?

A Strato volcano or a composite volcano.

Is katmai volcano a shield volcano?

No. It is a composite volcano.

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a shield volcano

Why did Eyjafjallajkull erupt?

Becasue two seismic plates started to rub together, creating friction causing each plate to melt into each other, creating heat and adding to the magma levels, therefore starting the eruption.

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Cleveland volcano is in Alaska & is a Stratovolcano (composite volcano)

Is active or inactive volcano Taal Volcano?

taal volcano is ACTIVE

What are the thee volcano types?

Cinder Cone volcano, Shield Volcano and Composite Volcano