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Q: What are the constituents of camote tops that could possibly cure dengue?
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What are the constituents of camote tops that could possibly prevent dengue?

Drink camote tops, (boiled from 5 to 6 mins) drink gradualy

Could a person possibly experience dengue again and again?

Yes.It can usually occur three times and each episode is more dangerous progressively with the third episode is more likely to be catastrophic.There is no permanent immunity against dengue. Save

Could you give me some examples of slogan on dengue prevention?

use baygon to prevent dengue situation,

Could you give me some examples of dengue slogans?

pakagat ka nalang

Could i be having dengue if i have experiencing stomach ache and high temperature?

There are many dengue fever symptoms which include high temperature and stomach ache. However, if along with that if you have flu symptoms, bad headache, joint and muscle pain, vomiting and diarrhea and skin rash you could be in for dengue. You must get a check up done at the earliest.

What is the difference between the dengue mosquito and the normal mosquito?

The bite of a normal mosquito and a dengue mosquito are the same. The symptoms of the dengue mosquito bite is different. The dengue mosquito carries a virus and could cause nausea, vomiting, and a loss of your appetite.

What is the dangers of breeding mosquito?

It could bring dengue fever, malaria and much more harmful diseases.

What happen if you have high grade fever and CBC is normal range platelet is 153?

Dengue could be possible

What is the danger of breeding mosquitoes in your home?

it is to keep our home safe to prevent for any harm

If a platelet count is 90 what might be causing it to be so low. Could Coumidin use be the cause of this?

you are positive in dengue

Does corn have kinetic energy?

No, corn could be said to have potential energy due to it's position or constituents.

Can Dengue kill you?

The answer, unfortunately, is possible. There are four types of dengue virus. If a person is infected by any one of those four types, though it is not entirely impossible to die from it, it very rarely happens. It can even act like a vaccine, providing some immunity from the same type of virus to the infected person. However, if the same person (already infected by one of the four types some times before) gets infected from a different type, - any other of the remaining three, -dengue fever could develop into a more severe form, - earlier known as Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, presently called as Severe Dengue Fever. That severe form could be fatal. There is neither vaccination nor specific treatment against either Dengue Fever or its more dangerous form, the Severe Dengue Fever. However, prompt medical care could often save life even in the case of the severe form. Since Severe Dengue Fever patients are loosing serious amounts of body fluids, - including blood -, the most vital treatment is keeping the fluid level to optimal, thus diminishing the complications which could have lead to death. More detailed information can be found in the related links.