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Q: What are the continents and ocean that Charles Darwin sailed around on his voyage?
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Did Cartier and Champlain sailed along the Mississippi River and tried to start colonies?


Why the Europeans sailed to other continents?

They didn't sail for other continents, but found them. The maps they had didn't show North America and they were looking for a water route to Asia for trade. There is also a strong ocean currents that is between Europe and North America and once a ship got into that current it would carry the ship to North America. As the explorers found North America they began to look for ways across it, gold and other riches and to claim lands for the crown. They brought a great deal back to Europe from their experience. New foods were introduced and other things. All the way up to the 1800's people were still looking for a water route across the continent.

What country did Giovanni da Verrazano work for?

Giovanni da Verrazano was a Florentine man who sailed in the name of France.

Which two explorers are associated with the travels shown on the map?

Vasco de Gama sailed for Portugal, while Zheng He explored for China.

When did George Vancouver discover Vancouver?

Vancouver was founded many years after George Vancouver died. Captain George Vancouver discovered Vancouver Island unexpectedly. Some of the land making up the island had previously been discovered by Captain James Cook, who believed that it was still part of the mainland. Captain Vancouver was exploring the mouth of what is now called the Juan Da Fuca straights. He believed that it was mearly an inlet and sailed into the mouth, down the Juan Da Fuca Straights, around the southern tip of the island, up the Georgia Straights, following the coast line of the island, and back into the open pacific ocean. He unexpectedly sailed all the way around the island thus proving that it was in fact an island and not part of the mainland. sorry i didn't tell you when.