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Jesus taught and spread the Good News that God sent Him to teach. It came from Him and with Him. Paul taught what was learned from Jesus and the apostles before him. They had the same message. The Good News, which is salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

You know, I've looked and looked, and I never found anywhere where Jesus taught that you had to believe in a dead and resurrected god to be reunited with the Living God.

If you read the teachings of Yeshua (Jesus was a Greek name) he taught about being reconciled with God through love. He spoke of a loving Father who would not give his children a stone when they asked for bread. He said loving your neighbor was the most important thing you could do to honor God. He shared the message of Spirit with a Samaritan woman and told her that it was time to start worshiping God in "spirit and in truth", and not to pay attention to the physical place or religious beliefs that tell us how to worship.

Yeshua taught about a Living God that loves all of his children equally. Paul was very much about doctrine and evangelism, he even disagreed with Yeshua's brother about the form that Christianity would take. I don't think Yeshua ever wanted to start a new religion, that was men who came after doing what men (and women) always do - tell others what they think they are supposed to believe about God.

True Christianity is about following any of God's anointed messengers, listening to the words that God has given them, and then going on to spread the Good News of God's Love as you have come to know it.

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