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wheat ,maizeand other cereals

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Q: What is the five crops grown in large scale farming?
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What crops are grown in subsistance farming?

Any crop that can be grown on a commercial scale for human consumption can be grown via subsistence farming.

Explain commercial farming?

Commercial farming supplies most of the food supply for Americans. Commercial farming is large scale farming to mass produce crops for chain stores.

What are the importances of commercial farming?

it is impotan because if we didn had a large scale of crops what would are familie eat

What is the meaning of commercial farming in the Bahamas?

its means that you want to make a profit on a large scale production of crops for sale. It means that in The Bahamas there are farmers who have a large scale production and they are trying to make a profit by distributing their crops to local markets etc.

What is the difference between a plantation and subsistence farming?

Subsistence farming is when a small plot of land is farmed and enough food is grown to support a family and their animals, it is not grown to be profitable. A plantation consists of many acres and the crops grown on the plantation. The crops are sold for a profit. They keep back what they need for their family and in the South when they had slaves they kept back food for them and the animals.

What are the main crops of London?

London is the largest European city. There are no farms in London and no crops are grown on a large scale. The only "crops" would be those produced by gardeners in their own gardens or allotments.

What is trough culture farming?

trough culture is the cultivation of crops on a small scale using containers or structures that have space of medium to large dimensions

What is the comparison between peasant farming an commercial arable farming?

peasant farming- small scale commercial farming-large scale

Differences between peasant and subsistence farming?

Peasant farming is the growing of crops and rearing of animals on a small scale mainly for sale while subsistence farming is the rearing of animals and growing of crops on small scale for personal or family consumption.

How did the location of a farm in the southern colonies affect the kind of the crops grown there?

Large cash crops such as cotton had to be grown on huge plots of land, hence, plantations. Small plots in wooded or hilly areas did not require slaves on a massive scale.

Why did the large-scale farming develop in the sourhern colonies?

Large-scale farming developed in the southern colonies due to the fertile land, longer growing season, and ideal climate for cultivating cash crops like tobacco, rice, and indigo. The availability of labor through slavery also played a significant role in the expansion of large-scale farming in the southern colonies.

Why is peasant farming important?

Peasant is the cultivation of crops and raising of animals, not on a large scale. They can be found selling produce at local markets and are found in rural areas.