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Landing on Earth eventually and dying.

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Q: What are the dangers of falling through a cloud?
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You can die by falling

Dangers of a mountain?

There are many dangers on a mountain: avalance, falling, weather, equipment, not having the experience

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getting lost, falling, hypothermia, and bats

What does falling rain do to a thunder storm cloud?

it breaks it apart

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there are no condensation nuclei in the world

What are the dangers of skimboarding?

If you are an experienced skimboarder, there aren't many dangers. Falling the wrong way in shallow water can result in a sprained wrist at the worst.

the dangers if being a deckhand include:?

falling over board, punctured by a hook/swordfish

Why don't clouds fall to earth?

Actually they do fall to the earth. Clouds are drops of water and when it rains, snow, hails, or if there is any sleet it is cloud falling through the ground.

What dangers can possibly be create by an ash cloud?

ummmm that's a toughie!!! strange rashes on your Pokemon