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66.5622 degrees north and south respectively.

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Q: What are the degrees of the Arctic and Antarctic Circles?
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How far are the the arctic and antarctic circles from the equator?

67 degrees i think.

Where are the Arctic and Antarctic Circles respectively?

66.5622 degrees north and south

How many degrees is it from the North and South Poles to the Arctic and Antarctic Circles?

The Arctic and Antarctic Cirles are 66.5619° from the North and South Poles.

At what latitude do the arctic and the Atlantic circles lie?

The Arctic Circle is 66.5 degrees north. The Antarctic Circle is 66.5 degrees south.

How are the Arctic and the Antarctic circles alike in measurement?

Both these lines of latitude are about 66 degrees.

Where do the arctic and antarctic circles lie?

The latitude is 66 degrees 33 minutes north.

What degrees are the Arctic and the Antarctic circles?

They are both at 66 degrees 32 minutes, either South Latitude or North Latitude.

Are Arctic and Antarctic circles poles?

No. The circles are circles. The poles are points. If the circles were points, then they might be called the Arctic and Antarctic Poles, but they wouldn't be called the Arctic and Antarctic Circles since they would be only points.

Where do the Arctic and Antarctic Circles begin?

Although circles don't have beginnings or endings, they can be found at 66.5622 degrees north and south latitudes, respectively.

What degrees of latitude are the Arctic and Antarctic Circles?

You can find these at about 66 degrees N and 66 degrees S. Because the earth wobbles, the exact hour and degree location of the circles move slightly.

What contains the Arctic and Antarctic circle?

Latitude maps include both the Arctic and Antarctic Circles.

What polar region is larger?

The north and south polar regions are the same size. They are defined by the Arctic and Antarctic Circles respectively. The Antarctic Circle is at 66 degrees 32 minutes S latitude. The Arctic Circle is at 66 degrees 32 minutes N latitude. The Antarctic and Arctic Circles are the points at sea level at which the sun does not appear over the horizon at the respective Winter Solstices.