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Q: What are the demerits of tetra pack?
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What is the formula of carbon in tetra pack juice?

There is no Carbon (elemental formula: C) in a tetra pack juice.

What are the preservatives used in packaged milk in Pakistan?

Tetra pack

Does tetra pack juice increase the chance of obesity?

Tetra pack juices are known to pack in a lot of calories and sugars so yes, it does increase chances of being obese. This is especially true if you consume a large amount this type of sugary beverage.

Is it safe to drink milk in a tetra pack box?

Check the expiry date.

What is a container with an angular tip?

One sort of container with 4 angular tips is a tetra pack.

What is the cost price of an empty tetra pack?

The tetra pack had become the best alternative for bottled drinks. It is lightweight, more convenient, sturdy and does not break as a glass bottle would, and is recyclable. If purchased in large quantity, it will only cost less then 10 cents each.

Is it safe to give tetra pack milk to children?

i dont know dats y im answering u

Is tetra pack non biodegradable?

Yes, of course. It is usually made up of p.lastic materials which are non biodegradable.

Merits and demerits of LIBERALIsation?

Merits and demerits of liberalization is demerits of liberalisation. This is well known.

Explain the merits and demerits of advertising as an aid to trade?

what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement?

When you pass orange juice from a tetra pack into a glass the juice changes its?

The juice takes up the shape of the glass. No chemical change takes place.

What are the merits and demerits of export?

demerits of exports