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Q: What are the denser areas of a sound wave called?
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What does sound wave move best through?

The denser a material is, the faster sound waves will propagate through it. Sound wave will generally propagate more easily through solids as they are denser than liquids or gases.

The less dense region of a compression wave is called?

The less dense areas created as a sound wave propagates are called rarefactions.

What low areas created as a sound wave propagates are called rarefaction's?


Is there any phase change occurred when sound wave refracted from denser medium to a rarer medium?


What is the top of a sound wave called?

the top of a sound wave is a crest

What are the sound wave forms?

The waves in which sound appears is called wave form of sound.

Why does sound travel faster through denser objects?

Sound is a mechanical, longitudinal wave driven by mechanical energy. Denser objects have tightly packed atoms and therefore can drive the wave faster.This is very different than visible light, which is an electromagnetic, transverse wave. Visible light actually travels fastest in a vacuum.

What are the areas of a sound wave where the molecules in the medium are packed closer together?

Type your answer here... this is called a compression, and when they are spread apart it is called a rarefaction

What is a sound wave of a high pressure called?

A sound wave with high sound pressure (amplitude) or high sound particle displacement (amplitude) is a sound wave that has a high loudness.

How fast does a sound wave travel through a solid?

The speed of sound through a solid depends upon the density of that solid. The denser the solid, the quicker sound travels.

What is it called when a sound wave is stretched out?

A stretched-out area of a wave is called a rarefaction.

What are the objects called that allow sound to travel through them?

Sound is a pressure wave. Objects that "allow" sound to travel through them could be called wave guides.